During their time with us, learners will have access to a comprehensive curriculum that will support the special needs identified in their Education and Health Care Plans. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum that caters to students' individual needs, and provides access to vocational learning opportunities.
On admission, the school will evaluate prior learning and needs, to develop core educational skills of Literacy, Reading, Social and Emotional Development and Numeracy Skills.
You can review our KS3 and KS4 Curriculum below:
Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
Curriculum Overview
Top Facts About the New GCSE's
Science Curriculum Intent Statement
Science 5 Year Plan
KS3 Science Descriptors
KS4 Science Descriptors
Preparation for Adulthood
Careers Education
Careers Programme
Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Benchmarks are the result of an International Study to find the best practice in Career Guidance worldwide. From this study, eight benchmarks were drafted which define the essentials of good career guidance. Riverside Meadows Academy has developed a framework based on these eight benchmarks, which reflects our commitment to excellent practice in Careers Guidance.
View our framework document here: Gatsby Benchmarks
Art, Design & Technology
Art 5 Year Plan
KS3 Art Descriptors
KS4 Art Descriptors
Design & Technology
Food Technology 5 Year Plan
KS3 Design & Technology Descriptors