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Phonics is usually taught from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 in Primary School before students join us at Riverside Meadows Academy. Most of our students enter Riverside Meadows with a high enough reading standard that the teaching of Phonics is not usually necessary. Where students are iden􀆟fied as requiring extra support in the development of phonics then we follow the systema􀆟c, synthe􀆟c phonics programme – Twinkl Phonics.

The aim of our programme will be to cover as much of the phonics progression from phase 1 to phase 6 through targeted interven􀆟on lessons rather than whole year group teaching.
Once students reach phase six, they can then join Read Write Inc Fresh Start – Secondary.

The intent of following a formal structured scheme is to ensure progression through the different stages of phonics and to offer a clear well-resourced scheme for teachers to use.

Further information can be found in the below documents: